Wey Manor Farm, Addlestone

Evaluation by J Robertson and excavation by P Jones of SCAU on the phase 7 and 8 area of this ongoing minerals extraction site. The evaluation produced evidence of a field system of predominantly post-medieval date, as well as a number of ditches of uncertain and probably various dates. Three areas revealed features that contained material indicative of prehistoric and Saxon dates. Further excavation of the phase 7 area uncovered further non-structural Saxon features, as well as a discrete area containing a scatter of struck flints. The area, measuring approximately 140m2, contained nearly 400 pristine and unpatinated flints lying in situ within the matrix of a river/clay deposit, and dating to the Late Upper Palaeolithic period. The area was carefully excavated, each flint being individually plotted, numbered and retrieved. The complete assemblage included examples of long blades, smaller blades, bladelets and flakes, with some pieces retouched to provide backed points, scrapers and a burin, as well as miscellaneous débitage from working practices. Post-excavation analyses of the material is ongoing, but the site may be one of only a few of this period in the country to be found in such a riverine context rather than a cave environment. (381)
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