Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Reigate town centre, Reigate

Watching brief by J Robertson of SCAU during the construction of a pipeline from the High Street at Reigate Methodist church into Priory Park. A number of features probably relating to the 18th century geometric kitchen gardens were revealed within the park, as well as the remains of a possible former trackway. Elsewhere, an apparent buried medieval soil layer produced 13th and 14th century pottery, and the area around the Methodist church and towards the High Street revealed evidence from probable boundary walls and a cellar of post-medieval date.

St Giles’ church, Ashtead

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU to provide information to inform management decisions regarding the Scheduled earthworks in the church graveyard, specifically in relation to a proposal to extend the graveyard. The evaluation involved the excavation of a trench in the area immediately to the north of a substantial, partially infilled ditch. This was in use during the medieval period but follows, at least in part, the course of a smaller ditch of Roman or earlier origin which lies immediately to the north of the site of a Roman building.

Polesden Lacey, near Great Bookham

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU revealed no features of archaeological interest, but did recover a number of Neolithic/Bronze Age struck flints from the topsoil across the site, and a discrete flint scatter between the topsoil and natural in one of the trenches. A watching brief by J Robertson of SCAU during the excavation of a pipe trench in front of the main doorway of the house revealed the edge of a possible Victorian manhole.

Dorking Water Treatment Works to Tower Hill Water Main, Dorking

Watching brief maintained by N Shaikhley and S Hind of SCAU during the excavation of a pipeline trench and associated easement. This revealed the remains of a 19th century pathway, flints of Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age date, a sherd of 13th/14th century coarse orange ware and post-medieval pottery sherds, all from the stripped topsoil. Metal detecting undertaken by P and A Vallis recovered a religious plaque dated to the late 15th/16th century, and a medieval copper-alloy key.


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