Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Woking Palace, Old Woking

The seventh season of community excavations, and the third and final year of a Heritage Lottery funded project called ‘Woking Palace and its Park’, at the Scheduled moated site by The Friends of Woking Palace, SyAS and SCAU, under the direction of R Poulton of SCAU.

Land at Priory Orchard, Station Road, Godalming (

A second phase of excavation by N Randall of SCAU, following an earlier archaeological evaluation (SyAC 99, 237) that revealed part of a previously unknown early medieval Christian burial ground, confirmed the extent of the burial ground, from which a further 225 in-situ inhumations were excavated, and revealed part of a tannery complex. A mitigation strategy was developed by which a substantial proportion of the inhumations within the development area were left in situ beneath landscaped and car park areas.

Windmill Bank, Sandlands Grove, Walton on the Hill

Excavation and watching brief by W Weller of SCAU following a trial trench evaluation (SyAC 99, 228) adjacent to the Scheduled Roman villa (SM no 12849) revealed a number of flint-packed postholes, some smaller pits or postholes and an east–west ditch , all of which were of Romano-British date. The position and characteristics of a number of the postholes indicated that they were contemporary and may have formed the ground plan of a timber-framed building of unknown function. The ditch probably relates to a division between the domestic and working areas of the villa complex.


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