Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Wayneflete Tower Avenue, Esher

Watching brief by W Weller of SCAU during excavation of the foundation of a small extension off the northern wall of the tower and wider flood alleviation works. A number of features of post-medieval date were revealed including the remains of foundations, probably of the south wing associated with the remodelling of the house by Henry Pelham in the 1730s.

26 Grotto Road, Weybridge

Watching brief by M Saywood of SCAU during excavation of foundation trenches within the bounds of the former Oatlands Palace revealed a great depth of heavily disturbed ground from probable ground levelling and a pit containing demolition rubble originating from the palace.

Woking Palace, Woking

A fifth and sixth season of a community excavation by the Friends of Woking Palace, SyAS and R Poulton of SCAU. In 2013, a series of early hearths and an oven were recorded within the square medieval kitchen to the west of the extant buildings (tennis play). Archaeomagnetic dating suggests the kitchen belongs to the earliest phase of occupation and was taken out of use in the late 14th to mid-15th century, at which time a substantial new privy kitchen was built that connected to the Privy Lodgings to the south.

Land at Priory Orchard, Station Road, Godalming

The first of two phases of excavation by N Randall of SCAU following evaluation revealed part of a previously unknown, early medieval, Christian burial ground across much of the higher ground on the east of the site. The graveyard, presumably originally part of the nearby St Peter and Paul’s church, appears to have gone out of use in the medieval period. The lack of later intrusive burials makes it a rare and important discovery.


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