Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Excavation by J Robertson of SCAU in advance of continuing mineral extraction following work undertaken on the quarry site between 1999 and 2006. The work produced features and finds of many periods. Three tree-throw holes were identified that included Mesolithic flintwork of primary deposition, while many of the other tree-throw holes produced pottery and flintwork of Neolithic date. A number of pits of Neolithic date were also excavated and, like the tree-throw holes, were quite widely scattered across the area.

Preston Hawe, Tadworth

Community archaeology project, Dig Preston 2011, undertaken as a collaboration by Preston Community Archaeology Project Group, Raven Housing Trust and SCAU. This located and uncovered sections of the manor house of Preston Hawe that stood on the site between the 12th and 15th centuries, and was previously investigated by Brian Hope-Taylor in the 1950s, and evidence of a chapel that served it.

Headley Court, Headley

Watching brief by N Randall of SCAU revealed a shallow segment of a ditch that could not be dated, but the stratigraphic location suggests it was of some antiquity, and also evidence of the sewage treatment works formerly present on the site.

Betchworth Castle, Brockham

Watching brief by N Randall of SCAU during ground reduction within an area to the north-west of the Scheduled castle. The excavations for the ground reduction were wholly within made ground comprising building debris probably related to the castle. A magnetometer survey undertaken at the site by D Calow and A Smith of SyAS provided inconclusive results.


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