Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Lindon Farm, Alfold

Evaluation by T Collie of SCAU. The results show prehistoric and/or medieval or early post-medieval activity across the area. Most of the features were identified in trenches located across the western half of the southern field, and they include a number of substantial ditches of probable medieval or early post-medieval date.

Ewell Grove School, West Street, Ewell

Watching brief by W Weller of SCAU showed the site to have been severely disturbed. However, a large ditch of probable Roman date was observed close to the main school building and is possibly a continuation of ditches excavated by S S Frere in 1939 and 1940 (SyAC 48, 45–60). A compacted chalk layer, which may represent a courtyard area between buildings noted on the Ewell Enclosure Map of 1803, was also recorded. A quantity of worked flint of Mesolithic, Neolithic and later Bronze Age date was recovered, indicating activity during these periods within the vicinity.

Mercers Farm, Nutfield

Excavations by J Payne of SCAU ahead of planned mineral extraction revealed evidence of archaeological activity dating from the Mesolithic through to the post-medieval period. The more important finds included a pit that contained Beaker-type ceramics, diagnostic flint tools of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age date and the remnants of a Middle/Late Bronze Age field system, which was in part truncated by a Middle/Late Iron Age settlement. The Iron Age settlement comprised a series of ring-ditches and numerous discrete cut features set within a substantial enclosure ditch.


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