Surrey Archaeological Society

Caterham Court

Observation of building construction by Lesley Ketteringham and Elvey Humphreys in an area near the known Tudor building and probable 12th century manor site. Nothing of interest was noted. (251)

Wiggie, Redhill

Survey of housing development by D W Williams: a scatter of crudely worked flint and three small prehistoric sherds were found, and a concentration of 13th century pottery was noted in the north-west corner of the site. Metal detector users recovered a medieval jetton and a decorated lead weight.

Batts Hill

Report by D W Williams of a small quantity of late 12th/early 13th century pottery including shell-tempered wares collected by Mr Martin from an allotment. There is also later medieval and Tudor material more widely spread across the allotments. The finds may be related to the site of Linkfield Manor which should be in the vicinity. (254)

38–40 Bell Street, Reigate

Observation by D W Williams of the refurbishment and extension of the 18th century building; two substantial stone walls at right angles were noted. Substantial probably medieval moulded stone fragments suggest they may have been part of the priory, perhaps a guest house. An arch voussoir fragment was found which may have come from the 18th century demolition of the Tudor priory.

Priory Park, Reigate

Small-scale excavation by D W Williams (following topsoil stripping of area just south-east of the Priory for construction of a children's play area) revealed evidence for a probable path founded on a great deal of building rubble perhaps taken from the Tudor mansion during alterations. The path is provisionally dated to the 17th or 18th century. (253; see also note in SyAC 81, 171))

Bocketts Farm and Thorncroft area, Leatherhead

Report on detailed fieldwalking of 96ha (237 acres) by S P Dyer and Judie English for the SyAS Surrey Historic Landscapes Project Team. A thin scatter of worked flint was found throughout the area; mostly Neolithic with some Mesolithic and some BA. Sherds of Neolithic and BA pottery were also found. Aerial photographic evidence shows that the higher ground around Bocketts Farm is covered by a Celtic field system, perhaps to be associated with the known occupation site at Hawks Hill, but no Iron Age pottery has yet been found.


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