Surrey Archaeological Society


Report by Judie English of platforms and leats surviving as earthworks. They may mark the proposed gunpowder mills at Abinger Hammer which were abandoned after the building application was turned down in 1791. (SIHG 60; see SyAC 81, 91-95)

Cabell Road, Guildford

Small-scale excavation by Audrey Monk for Guildford Group of SyAS to test the site which was producing small abraded sherds of RB pottery and tile. A few more abraded RB sherds were found but it is thought doubtful that the excavation evidence supported the hypothesis of a Roman road. (257)

Henley Park

Investigation by Audrey Monk and Barbara Blatchford for the Guildford Group of SyAS of sections revealed by removal of the swimming pool and trial holes dug by contractors, to check for traces of the medieval manor. Nothing of significance was found but the area had been very disturbed in recent times. (255)

Byfleet Mill

A Crocker and Glenys Crocker reported that building restoration revealed features of the former water-powered corn mill, including the trench of the pit wheel and remains of the drive mechanism associated with the west water wheel and the cast iron hurst frame which supported four pairs of millstones powered by the east water wheel (SIHG 64; unpublished report in SyAS Library)


Report by K D Graham that the collapse of part of the bank of the Wey had revealed traces of a probable kiln of unknown date.

Duxhurst Farm

Fieldwork by R Ellaby and D W Williams in advance of golf course construction revealed no sites of interest except a late limekiln, but only limited work was possible.

Farley Heath

Notes by C W Atkins correct mistakes in the published version of Aubrey's Natural history and antiquities of Surrey where it refers to the Parley Heath Romano-Celtic temple. They include details of the rough measurements of the temple and make clear that an odd-sounding reference to Roman tiles is in fact to no more than standard tegulae. (255). An anti-traveller trench dug across part of the temenos area was examined by Judie English and nothing of archaeological interest was noted.


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