Surrey Archaeological Society

Felday Enclosure

Excavation by D J Field for LTRG of earthwork enclosure (of c 9ha) noted in survey. The bank and ditch were sectioned at the southern end and their existence and antiquity confirmed.:The ditch had been cut through layers of tabular sandstone which had apparently been used to construct parallel dump walls some 3m apart to serve as a rampart core or revetment. It seemed that the ditch was sampled at or near a terminal, as it rose from 2.4m deep on the west side of the trench to 1.4m on the east.

Cranleigh Rectory

Excavation by Judie English for SyAS in advance of redevelopment. A section to the NW of the present house showed that the moat had been recut recently, possibly in 1863 when the house was built. A trench on the island SE of the house produced evidence for a clay layer with associated pottery of the 12th to early 13th centuries. (206)

Witley Farm

About 200 worked flints, probably mostly Mesolithic, were donated with fieldwork notes to Haslemere Group of SyAS by .1 Cresswell. The finds were made over the period 1968-71 by Cresswell, S Penney and A Penney. (200)-

The Hart, Farnham

Trial excavation by K D Graham for FDMS in advance of redevelopment. Pottery from the 13th century onwards was found, but no features; it was probably therefore domestic rubbish. One fragment of RB pottery, possibly RB tile and several flint flakes were also found. (See report in this volume on Kingham's/Lion & Lamb sites.)

Bletchingley Castle

Report provided details of previous excavations by D J Turner. Parts of the defences were sectioned and the principal masonry building within the inner ward was examined. The original defences were a D-shaped ringwork approximately 80 x 55m within a kidney shaped outer ward or bailey. The massive ditch and bank around the inner ward were sectioned. Work on the masonry building showed that it measured-23.27 x 24.64m with square stair turrets at NW and SE corners. Internal features included possible supports for first floor hearths.

site of Priory Park Motors, West Street, Reigate

Observation of redevelopment work by D W Williams showed that the petrol station had destroyed all archaeological features except the late medieval undercroft. Part of the east-west section along Slipshoe Street could be recorded, revealing at least three former surfaces of the road. The earliest contained small sherds of 16th/17th century pottery and leather including the end of a knife sheath and part of a shoe. (207)


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