Pre-Construct Archaeology

NESCOT former animal husbandry land, residential development site, Reigate Road, Ewell (pt 2)

Excavation by A Haslam of PCA targeted three areas of the site, identified following earlier evaluation (SyAC 99, 218). Area 1 was situated in the south-western corner of the site. It revealed two parallel, north-west/south-east orientated ditches, interpreted as a droveway, and a series of small pits and postholes that formed a sub-rectangular enclosure, possibly an animal pen or paddock, to their east. All were of probable Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age date. A further sub-pen was identified within the south-eastern corner of the enclosure.

NESCOT former animal husbandry land, new care home site, Reigate Road, Ewell (pt 1)

Excavation by A Haslam of PCA of 1m2 test pits across a colluvial deposit that covered the site, and previously identified during a programme of evaluation (SyAC 99, 218), produced c 7000 pieces of Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age struck flint. The bulk of the assemblage dated from the later Bronze Age to the Iron Age and may derive from middening practices spanning those periods. Although redeposited, the flint assemblage clearly represents all stages in the reduction process, from the preparation of raw materials through to the manufacture, use and discard of tools.

The White Hart public house, 150 High Street, Old Woking

Photographic record by C Lacey and P Wardle of The Historic Environment Consultancy and evaluation by P Jorgensen of PCA that confirmed the presence of an undisturbed medieval soil horizon across the site, as revealed in the 2011 SyAS test-pitting (SyAS 98, 257). In the central part of the site this was sealed by a layer of subsoil that produced 17th -18th century material. No features of medieval date were uncovered, but large quantities of later medieval pottery and peg tile fragments suggest a building in the vicinity.

Kempton Park, Sunbury

Watching brief of geotechnical works by A Turner of PCA revealed substantial ground disturbance probably caused by gravel extraction in the 1970s. Eight pits contained demolition rubble, some of which might have originated from Hyde House, a 17th century house that formerly occupied part of the site, although it is more likely that it represents material dumped in areas of gravel extraction. Three pits displayed deep deposits of natural brickearth, although their depth and the friable nature of the underlying gravel suggest that they too were redeposited after extraction.


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