Pre-Construct Archaeology

Land at Park Road, Stanwell

Evaluation and watching brief by R Humphrey of PCA. The evaluation revealed a posthole, suggested to be post-medieval, and a shallow ditch. The ditch is considered to have existed as a property or field boundary during the 18th-20th centuries as it is visible on historic maps, but finds recovered from its fill could indicate that it was older. The watching brief revealed the continuation of the ditch, which contained ceramic building material dating from the late 17th to the 18th centuries.

Land to the east of St Michael’s church, Mickleham

Evaluation by S Watson of PCA prior to use of the site as a possible extension to the existing burial ground. A likely Roman ditch and several undated, but possibly associated, postholes were revealed. Late medieval/early post-medieval pottery and ceramic building material were recovered from the subsoil, and a redeposited layer within one of the trenches is presumed to be associated with quarrying activity that map evidence illustrates took place just to the north of the trench.

20 Bury Fields, Guildford

Watching brief by R Humphrey and K Bower of PCA revealed evidence for post-medieval agricultural activity in the form of a possible ploughsoil, together with several post-medieval features indicative of occupation including a brick soakaway and clay-lined pit possibly for the retention of liquids.


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