
Frensham Common, Frensham

Topographic survey of the four barrows on the common by D and A Graham of SyAS after they were exposed by a fire. Deterioration in the condition of the monuments was recorded, with a significant loss of the shallow outer banks and ditches since the last survey in 1996, and mitigation measures to halt the alarmingly rapid rate of erosion is planned. (Bulletin 424)

Monkton Lane, Farnham

Evaluation by N Garland of ASE. A number of features ranging from the Middle Iron Age to post-medieval were revealed. The majority were either ditches suggestive of agricultural boundaries and/or drainage features and a few pits, although a palaeochannel was identified during a geoarchaeological investigation, and a single cremation burial was also revealed. Subsequent excavation by G Priestly-Bell of ASE revealed three phases of occupation representing probable small-scale settlement activity dating from the Early Iron Age to the Romano-British period.

Six Bells Allotments, Farnham

Evaluation by D Graham of SyAS following the report of Roman pottery, perhaps related to the ‘missing’ villa that should be associated with the nearby bath-house structures known at Roman Way, having been found on the site. No features were revealed, with the supposition being that the pottery might have been imported to the site through manuring. (Bulletin 421)

Land at Hale Road, Farnham

Evaluation by J Martin of WA. A small quantity of Bronze Age pottery was recovered from a ditch, while two other ditches produced Early to Middle Iron Age material. Further ditches and a series of postholes were either undated or modern in origin. The sparse nature of the archaeology was not suggestive of concerted settlement. A subsequent metal detector survey of the area produced similarly low-key results, and appeared to confirm the lack of past activity on this large-scale and potentially well-situated site.


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