Surrey Heath

Starborough Castle, Lingfield

A watching brief by D Saich of SCC on the construction of new stables revealed a very truncated pit or ditch densely packed with brick, tile, animal bone, oyster shells and occasional pieces of glass. The handmade bricks and flat tiles suggest they may date as early as the 16th century. (304)

Chelsham Court Farm, near Warlingham

Evaluation by M Davies for SyAS, incorporating a geophysical survey by the Bartlett-Clark Consultancy, of a site identified from aerial photographs by J Hampton in 1992. The geophysical survey confirmed the presence of buildings, which were subsequently tested by trial excavation. A villa and separate bath house, occupied from the 2nd to 4th centuries AD, but badly plough damaged, were revealed.

42 London Road, Bagshot

Excavation by SHAHT continued. Further evidence for the 17th-19th century tannery was recorded, below which flood deposits sealed levels of Romano-British date. Pottery recovered indicates occupation from the mid/late 1st century through to the late 3rd. Further flood deposits below these levels sealed ditches associated with concentrations of burnt and struck flint and pottery, which appears to be early Neolithic in date. (309)

The King’s Arms, High Street, Bagshot

Excavation by SHAHT, under the direction of G Cole, to the rear of 36-40 High Street. The earliest feature revealed was a wide flat-bottomed ditch which may have been one of the fish ponds known to have existed on the site from documentary records. Sherds of Coarse Border Ware vessels of 14th century date were recovered from the base of the ditch; from the middle of the 16th century the ditch was infilled by rubbish. To the north-west of the ditch was a flint cobbled surface; tothe south east of the ditch was evidence for a post-constructed building with a trampled sand and clay floor.

44 High Street, Bagshot

Report on a wall painting revealed during renovation works. The paintings were recorded by G Pattison of SCAU and P Gray of SyAS. The building itself appears to be 14th century in origin, with a 16th century rebuild. The paintings were revealed on two walls of a downstairs room and probably represent 16th and 17th century decoration, possibly relating to the building’s use as an inn. (317, 321)

St. John the Baptist Church, Windlesham

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, for Windlesham Church Property Ltd, involved soil stripping the area for a building linking the church and an existing hall. The location of the original churchyard boundary, which had been extended to incorporate the hall building, was identifiable from the different deposits either side of it. Inside the boundary there was a level of general disturbance; the fills of a number of grave cuts, where sampled, included brick and tile.

4-10 London Road, Bagshot

Excavation by SHAHT, under the direction of G Cole, revealed evidence of prehistoric, medieval and later activity. Two phases of prehistoric activity were recorded. The first comprised the terminal ends of two ditches, one truncating the other, together with the lower levels of a rampart and a series of post-bases; and the second comprised flint foundations and associated stake holes. Fragmentary remains of two hearth bases were noted, and a well from which medieval pottery and hearth fragments were recovered was partially excavated.


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