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Local History Symposium (Woking)
RSG Zoom talk - Professor Ian Freestone on 'The Long Roman Glass Industry '
Surrey Archaeological Society AGM
RSG Zoom AGM and talk - David Millum on Excavations at Bridge Farm, East Sussex
RSG Zoom talk - Chris Gibson on 'The latest Roman road fieldwork around Ewhurst'
RSG Zoom talk - save the date
RSG Zoom Talk - Emma Corke on 'Discoveries at Cocks Farm Abinger 2024'
RSG Zoom Talk - Lilian Ladle on 'The Rise and Decline of Druce Farm Roman Villa (AD60-650)
RSG Conference - 'Shining a Light on Roman Roadside Settlement in South-East England'
SIHG Talk: "Bradshaw's and an Early Railway Tour" by Robert Mee (Zoom)
SIHG Talk: "So You Think We Do Not Make Anything Anymore ? British Manufacturing in the 21st Century" by Dr Richards Marks (Leatherhead)
SIHG Talk: "Brunel – Father, Son & Grandson" (Zoom) by Bill McNaught
SIHG Talk: "Mayors, thieves and bargemistresses: people of the early Wey Navigation" by Dr Sue Jones (Leatherhead)
SIHG Talk: "Musings of a Miner - A Glimpse of Life in County Durham a Century ago" by Michelle Howes (Leatherhead)
SIHG Talk: "Concorde - Icon of the Skies" by Guy Bartlett (Zoom)
SIHG Talk: "Brewing in the Wandle Valley" (Zoom) by Alison Cousins of the Wandle Industrial Museum
SIHG Talk: "The London Underground's Origins" by Chris Green (Leatherhead)
Margary Award nominations
SIHG Talk "The Basingstoke Canal" (TBC) by John How (Leatherhead)
SIHG Talk: "The Story of the Queen Mary Reservoir" by Nick Pollard (Zoom)
SIHG Talk: "The Stations of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway" by Benny O'Looney (Zoom)
SIHG Talk: "The Ashtead Pottery: Post-War Rehabilitation through an Alliance of Art and Industry" by Anne Anderson (Leatherhead)
SIHG Event: "The Truth About Harry Beck" (Play about the man behind the London Underground Map)
External Event: SERIC Conference on Industrial Archaeology (Chichester)