Wey Manor Farm, Addlestone

Following evaluation of Phase 4 of this mineral extraction site in 1997, by G Hayman of SCAU for RMC Aggregates, a watching brief was maintained by SCAU on the stripping of the area. A couple of features of Middle Iron Age and Roman date were revealed, but the main features of interest appear to be Bronze Age. These features included a round house with an ancillary gulley and an enclosure ditch. A pit within the round house included part of a cup decorated by slashes made with a flint blade or flake. Evaluation of phase 5 of this mineral extraction site by R Poulton of SCAU, for RMC Aggregates, revealed two boundary ditches, one of probable late or post-medieval date and one of unknown date. The paucity of finds from within the features and elsewhere within the trenches, and the absence of other features, suggests that this area is some distance from any settlement. (326)