Land at the corner of Pyrcroft Road and Guildford Street, Chertsey

Excavation and a watching brief by D Hopkinson of AOC, for Countryside Properties (Commercial) PLC, of the site of Phase 5 of the Chertsey Revitalisation Scheme, following an evaluation in 1997. The earliest evidence revealed was a series of intercutting Saxo-Norman gullies, apparently demarcating an enclosure extending to the north and west, with an opening in its south east corner. A series of pits and ditches of 14th - mid 16th century date appear to be the next phase of activity. Two major ditches of this date defined plots alongside Guildford Street. One of these appears to demarcate the southernmost extent of settlement, with low lying marshy ground to the south. The other, running parallel to Guildford Street, may have been used to drain this area into the River Bourne; it held waterlogged deposits containing wood and fragments of a leather shoe. Within the space to the north of these two ditches were rubbish pits and a cess pit; further away from the street, waste or clay extraction pits were revealed. In the late 16th or 17th century, property boundaries were re-affirmed and a new boundary created, sub-dividing the agricultural land to the north west.