Home Farm Quarry, Shepperton Road/Laleham Road, Shepperton

Excavation by K Welsh of OA. A small hengiform monument, of probable Late Neolithic date, was the earliest feature revealed. Parts of a Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age field system were also recorded, with evidence for repeated modifications suggesting the relative longevity of the system. The hengiform monument appears to have been incorporated into the field system, rather than being overlain by it, indicating that it was still visible at this time. Evidence for settlement activity contemporary with the field system was also recorded. Part of a Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age trackway and a westerly continuation of the field system were also recorded. A number of pits and occasional postholes were scattered throughout the field system. Most were fairly shallow and produced few finds other than occasional scraps of pottery and a small quantity of animal bone. However, in the southern part of the site, a waterhole and a series of intercutting pits of greater depth produced a greater quantity of Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age pottery. A poorly preserved animal burial was present in the northern part of the site.