Gravelly Hill, Caterham

Report on the examination of earthworks by P J Gray and Gwyneth Fookes. It is suggested that there may have been an enclosure on the summit of Gravelly Hill some 12-15 ha in extent, marked by banks up to 4.5m in height; in places there seem to have been sections with a triple bank. To the north, on flatter downland, field lynchets were noted and it is suggested that these were associated with the enclosure. The relationship, if any, with the War Coppice Iron Age hillfort, just to the west, is not clear. The postulated enclosure is thought to predate another earthwork with a bank 1.5 to 2.0m in height which it is suggested marks the northern boundary of the medieval Bletchingley North Park. The odd shape of this section of the Park boundary leads to the suggestion that it might be based on an earthwork which predates the creation of the Park. A probable coppice compartment bank is noted as is a curious earthwork, a ditch and low bank with frequent projections, interpreted as possibly First World War practice trenches. (268)