13-15 Tunsgate, Guildford

Test excavations in advance of alteration and extension of the buildings, by Graham Hayman of SCAU for Triggs Turner Investment Co, recorded several pits and some walling of 17th-18th century date. Beneath these features, pits, postholes and stake holes of late 12th-early 13th century date were found. The majority of the pits had been used for domestic rubbish disposal. One very large feature is presumed to have been produced by quarrying for chalk. Levelling into the slope for building had truncated features towards the rear of the site. A number of struck flints were recovered during the excavation, indicating some prehistoric activity in the vicinity. Subsequent observation of the development by GMVEU for SCAU located a large amount of llth to 12th century pottery, a chalk block lined well containing porcelain and tin-glazed wares, 16th to 18th century pottery and mid-18th century industrial waste with a large number of signed clay pipes. (282)