
Land North of Water Lane, Bletchingley

Fieldwalking by the BSAG of an area where cropmarks have been identified on aerial photos. Numerous pieces of worked flint were recovered, as well as some burnt flint. Apart from a couple of pieces of Roman pottery, the bulk of the pottery recovered was medieval (late 12th/early 13th) and post-medieval. A resistivity survey was also carried out, that confirmed the presence of a number of features.

Land west of Long Lane, Stanwell

An evaluation by H Knight of MoLAS, for Sandville Properties, in advance of redevelopment, revealed a number of features, mostly gulleys and pits, which were undated but thought to be prehistoric and probably associated with the field system identified at the adjoining Cargo Point site. In addition, brick structures and pits of 18th century date, associated with the settlement of West Bedfont, were identified.

Lord Knyvett's School, Stanwell

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Airways Housing Society Ltd, in advance of residential development in the grounds of this 17th century building. A number of ditches were identified, of both Roman and early medieval (11th-12th century) date. The recovery of a number of pieces of struck and burnt flint also suggests prehistoric activity. A subsequent watching brief on construction revealed little more. (314, 321)

Hengrove Farm, near Staines

Evaluation involving a geophysical survey and trial trenching was carried out on this prospective mineral site, by the Bartlett-Clark Consultancy and G Hayman of SCAU respectively, for Henry Streeter (Sand & Ballast). This work revealed a scatter of prehistoric features across the site and a concentration of features of Roman date indicating settlement, probably a small farmstead, at the southern end of the site. (321)

Stanwell Diversion Channel

Evaluation by S Ford of TVAS for the Environment Agency of the area proposed for a flood relief channel adjacent to the River Colne. Most of the trial trenches were negative, but at the northern end of the proposed channel a pit containing burnt flint and a fragment of prehistoric, possibly Bronze Age, pottery was identified. A spread of burnt flint and charcoal adjoining this feature produced a similar sherd of pottery. (319)

Hithermoor Pit, Stanwell Moor

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd, of an area proposed for mineral extraction (and a flood relief channel) identified a silty deposit containing worked flint, sherds of prehistoric (probably Bronze Age) pottery and a couple of sherds of Roman pottery, which overlay a buried river channel. (314)

Duncroft School, Staines

Evaluation and subsequent excavation was carried out by J Robertson of SCAU for Nicholas King Homes, before residential development of the school grounds. The site lies outside the Roman and medieval settlement of Staines but in close proximity to the parish church. Numerous features of late Saxon date were revealed, confirming that there had been some shift of settlement during that period away from the site of the Roman town. Some features of Saxo-Norman date were identified, but insufficient to establish whether Duncroft was the site of Staines’ Manor House.


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