
Fields to the north, east and south-east of Mercer’s Farm, Nutfield

Programme of fieldwalking by S Ford of TVAS recovered a dense cluster of struck flint located on the terrace edge of a small stream valley. The cluster comprises a strong Mesolithic component, although later Neolithic/Bronze Age material is well represented. Flint in more modest quantities and pottery sherds of several periods were also recovered dispersed elsewhere across the areas fieldwalked.

Matthew Arnold School, Staines

Watching brief by T Munnery of SCAU during construction of an artificial pitch on and adjoining the Scheduled Caesar’s Camp, following evaluation in 2008. The design of the pitch was changed after the evaluation to maximise the preservation in situ of deposits indicated to be present, with the majority of the impact of the development not extending below the subsoil.

Land at rear of 72-82 South Street, Dorking

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU revealed that parts of the site had been subject to modern disturbance and possible medieval terracing and reduction, but all of the four trenches yielded finds of archaeological interest and two of the trenches revealed archaeological features of Mesolithic, medieval and post-medieval date. The Mesolithic feature, a pit, and a nearby spread of flintwork of similar date, may represent a small residue of on site Mesolithic hunter-gatherer activity, possibly associated with a hearth.

Land at the Pavilion Sports Centre, Hurst Lane, East Molesey

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU revealed a number of features which, with the exception of a pit or posthole that could be of Neolithic date, were dateable to the Bronze Age. The features comprised ditches, pits and postholes and were concentrated within the southern corner of the site, and indicates settlement or a focus of activity within this area. Residual finds of Mesolithic to medieval date were also recovered, but none were associated with a contemporary feature or in a concentration.

Brockhill near Parley Bridge, Horsell

Excavation (1975) by Nancy Cox for Mayford History Society discovered Mesolithic flints and led to the rediscovery of an earlier collection of over 1500 implements from the site, some of them of the Upper Palaeolithic. Later excavation (1977) by C. Bonsall for Mayford History Society, SyAS, DOE and the British Museum confirmed the importance of the site and collection. (126 and 139)


Excavation by R.L. Ellaby for Holmesdale Archaeological Group and SyAS (reported Feb 1976) revealed a large mass of Mesolithic flints in soil redeposited over a 13th century site containing two firepits. (124)


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