20th century


Services Complex, Epsom Hospital Cluster

Report by P Wakefield on a rapid survey of this complex, which includes the water works and electricity generating station for the hospitals of the former Horton Manor estate. The buildings date from 1901 and were designed by W Clifford Smith, engineer to the London County Council Asylums Committee. The boiler house has suffered a change of use that involved the loss of its chimney, but the water works and generator hall survive relatively intact, albeit derelict. A disused reservoir probably served the original steam boilers.

11-13 Forge Lane, Sunbury

Inspection of footing trenches during construction of terraced houses by D Hawkins of CgMs Consulting, for Mansard Country Homes Ltd, revealed a thick deposit of agricultural or horticultural soil over the natural gravel. Finds from the site included butchered animal bones mixed with clay pipe fragments and late 19th and early 20th century pottery and bottle glass fragments.

Langshott Manor, Horley

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU, for Utopia Leisure, on the site of a possible extension to this 17th century house (which may be on the site of an earlier medieval property). The results were inconclusive. Only post-medieval and modern features were revealed, but these could have obliterated earlier evidence.

Artington Cold Store, Guildford

Survey carried out by SIHG at the request of Guildford Museum prior to demolition of the structure. The store was built at the beginning of World War II for emergency food storage. A freezer wind tunnel later installed at the site was used to simulate flight into supercooled liquid droplets and ice crystals, and aircraft tested in this way included the Airbus and Concorde.

Eashing Mill, Lower Eashing

A watching brief maintained by R Poulton and S Hind of SCAU, for Richard Cook Ltd, on the redevelopment of this 19th century mill site for offices, revealed no evidence for earlier mills; the area was found to have been fairly extensively disturbed as a result of 19th and 20th century works. However, palaeo-environmental analysis of sediments in former channels of the Wey, uncovered by the works, revealed evidence for increasing human activity in the vicinity from the Bronze Age onwards, with a commensurate reduction in the amount of woodland in the area.


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