16th century

137-143 High Street, Guildford

Excavation, watching brief, and historic building recording programme, by Charlotte Matthews of Wessex, on behalf of Scottish Widows Fund and Life Assurance Company, prior to redevelopment. Features dating from the 12th to 18th/19th centuries were revealed, although nothing from the late medieval to early post medieval was found. Virtually no structural remains survived; it is likely that prior to the 18th century the area investigated lay in yard areas to the rear of the street frontage buildings.

Guide Hut, Grotto Road, Weybridge

A watching brief was maintained by G Hayman and M Dover of SCAU on works for a new store building within the area of Oatlands Palace, for the Girl Guides Association. Within the new foundation trenches the remains of a culvert associated with the infilling of the moat during Henry VIII’s reign was identified. A second feature expected, a wall identified during earlier excavation, was not seen.

44 High Street, Bagshot

Dendrochronological dating by M Bridge of EH to assist the ongoing work on the building and contribute to a reconsideration of its listed grading. The building contains a room with post-Dissolution paintings (317, 321), and a single timber in that room gave a likely felling period of AD1485--1517, slightly earlier than had been previously assumed for the wall on stylistic grounds.

6 High Street, Reigate

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU in advance of a residential development revealed no features of archaeological significance. Residual 16th century pottery was recovered from modern layers, indicating that archaeological remains may be present in the area, possibly at levels that will not be compromised during the proposed construction works.

Wotton House, Wotton

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU revealed the foundations of a wall, the bricks of which did not match those currently visible in the upstanding parts of Wotton House. The position and course of the wall suggests that it corresponds with a wall on a plan made by John Evelyn in 1651. A drain, possibly contemporary in date, and a layer through which the wall foundation had been cut, were also of potential interest, especially since a late 16th or early 17th century pot sherd was recovered from the latter.

57-59 Baker Street, Weybridge,

Evaluation by Geoff Potter of CA involving the excavation of six trenches. Two sherds of 11th or 12th century Medieval pottery were recovered from two ditch features in the southern part of the site, and a small fragment of 16th century decorated stove-tile (possibly from the nearby site of Oatlands Palace) in a trench to the north. The ditch features are believed to be early boundary or drainage cuts or shallow water cut channels within an agricultural landscape; and a number of narrow Post-Medieval drainage cuts observed illustrate continued farming of the site.

Sutton Park

The fourth season of excavation by D G Bird for SCC and SyAS completed the plan of the 16th century brick building — a rectangle c 4 by 3 metres — and further examined the medieval ditches, whose purpose and plan remained unclear. (175)

Sutton Place, Guildford

Excavation and watching brief undertaken by R Brown of OA in advance of the creation of a swimming pool and related amenities revealed mostly modern deposits, but a rectilinear arrangement of postholes may represent the remains of a simple timber building of possible 16th–17th century date. This may have been a temporary storage or lodging structure associated with the construction of the manor-house or the domestic functions of the west wing. A Kelly of OA also undertook some historic building recording work before and during alterations to Sutton Place

Place Farm Barn, Place Farm Road, Bletchingley

Watching brief by S Hind and R Poulton of SCAU between 2006 and 2009 during the redevelopment of the barn. There was extensive evidence of post-medieval disturbance, much of it relatively modern in date, but a small amount of prehistoric material, including Mesolithic flintwork and Bronze Age pottery, was recovered. However, the principal interest of the site related to the fact that Place Farm is an 18th century building formed on the manorial complex of Bletchingley Place.

Bridge Wharf, Chertsey

Watching brief by H Knight of MOLA, forming part of the project ongoing at this site since 2002 (SyAC 90, 91, 94 and 95), examined the western foreshore remodelling near, but not directly adjacent to, the south of Chertsey Bridge. Truncated deposits of 16th–19th century date were noted, but no evidence was revealed of the medieval Chertsey Bridge structure – presumed to have been located very close to the north of the site. No significant finds or features of earlier date were apparent.


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