Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Godalming College, Godalming

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU prior to residential development on the former playing fields. Only one feature (a probable wall foundation) of potential interest was revealed, although this was probably modern. The majority of the site had been disturbed previously by the creation of level surfaces for the playing fields.

Wyphurst Road, Cranleigh

Excavation of Area ‘A’ by G Hayman of SCAU prior to residential development following a series of evaluations in 2002. A number of Mesolithic or Neolithic struck flints recovered attest to occupation in the area for a considerable period. However, the main period of occupation on the site appears to have begun around the middle of the 1st century AD (although some residual pottery fragments of a potentially earlier date were recovered) and to have continued until the late 2nd/early 3rd centuries. A ring gully appeared to be one of the earliest features in the area.

Runfold Farm, Runfold

Excavation by G Hayman of SCAU of the remainder of the Stage 2 quarry site, previously evaluated in 2003. Various ditches were revealed, up to three of which appeared to be Late Iron Age in origin, and may relate to a ‘Celtic’ field system recorded elsewhere on the site during previous archaeological investigations. An amorphous feature of indeterminate purpose, and possibly not entirely the result of human activity, was also found to contain a relatively sizeable quantity of Neolithic and Bronze Age flints.


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