Surrey County Archaeological Unit

St. Mary’s Church, Send.

Watching brief by J Stevenson of SCAU during the construction of facilities for the disabled revealed 19th century brick vaults, together with the foundations of the 15th century tower. A curious flint and greensand “spur” was found to have been built into the foundations. This did not support any known or previously demolished feature, and there is no satisfactory explanation for its function.

Land off Barnwood Road, Guildford

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU prior to a residential development. Two pits of likely prehistoric origin, containing large amounts of charcoal and burnt flints, were found, although no definitive dating material was present. No evidence for Roman activity was seen despite the proximity of the villa site just to the south-west. A compact layer of building rubble seen in three trenches was thought to relate to the demolition of an 18th century farmstead that is known to have existed here.

132-134 High Street, Guildford

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU prior to alterations and extensions to the property. A wall foundation and well constructed from chalk blocks were recorded. No dating evidence was found, although they were thought to be remnants of the Green Man Inn, which stood on the site until the mid 18th century. The well had been sealed by a brick capping at some point. A number of later Post-Medieval features were also revealed.

Whiteley Village, Weybridge

Watching brief by N Shaikhley of SCAU during the construction of an accommodation block, and following on from evaluation last year of this part of the Whiteley Village redevelopment. The watching brief identified a degree of 19th and 20th century disturbance, as well as evidence of root disturbance, but no sign of the ditch (nor any other finds or features) revealed in the evaluation.


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