Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Cobham Road, Fetcham

Watching brief undertaken by T Munnery of SCAU, and involving C Green of QUEST, during the installation of a pipeline, revealed an area of Late Upper Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic and Late Mesolithic flintworking and the foundations of a Roman building. A subsequent excavation discovered that the Late Upper Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic material was found to be an in-situ scatter of lithics with an eastern and western boundary and two areas with a low lithic density that could infer the positions of two knappers.

TASIS England, Thorpe

Two phase evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU, prior to the construction of a new building at the Upper School and extension to the existing Coach House. A single pit of probable 13th century date was discovered at the Coach House site. Two late medieval or early post-medieval pits were revealed at the Upper School site, with indications of earlier activity in the immediate vicinity being noted within the finds assemblage. The Coach House development was calculated not to damage archaeological horizons, so no further work was recommended.

Banstead Downs Golf Club

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU prior to alterations to the layout of the golf course. Two features of possible interest were revealed, although no material was recovered that could provide dating. No unstratified finds from within the topsoil and subsoil were noted, however, suggesting a lack of ancient activity on the site in general.

High Ashurst Outdoor Education Centre, Mickleham

HLF Community Archaeology Project, under the guidance of A Guinness of Heritage Enterprise, involving the excavation of the footprint of a demolished estate house present on the site since at least the early 18th century and which was demolished between 1961 and 1973. The project, run in conjunction with Surrey Youth Development and Surrey Youth Justice, uncovered the entire entrance hall mosaic, the remains of the front steps and part of the gallery floor.

High Beeches, Hawk’s Hill, Leatherhead

Evaluation by N Randall of SCAU revealed two pits. Finds including struck and burnt flints and a pottery sherd of possible Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age date were present in and above the fills of the pits, but the recovery of brick, tile and slate from the fills suggests that the pits are of recent origin. Further finds of struck flint were recovered within a layer of redeposited soil used to level the site for the tennis court, but it is not clear whether this material originated from the site or was introduced from elsewhere.

Polesden Lacey, near Great Bookham

Historic building record and watching brief by N Shaikhley of SCAU prior to and during the creation of new visitor facilities. A number of features associated with the development of the Polesden Lacey estate were exposed during the watching brief, notably a brick-built domed structure that probably served as a storage tank for a water trough and hand-pump formerly in this location as illustrated on a 1905 photograph


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