Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Wotton House, Wotton

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU revealed the foundations of a wall, the bricks of which did not match those currently visible in the upstanding parts of Wotton House. The position and course of the wall suggests that it corresponds with a wall on a plan made by John Evelyn in 1651. A drain, possibly contemporary in date, and a layer through which the wall foundation had been cut, were also of potential interest, especially since a late 16th or early 17th century pot sherd was recovered from the latter.

Send Church, Send

Watching brief carried out by J Stevenson of SCAU revealed undated, probably modern, burials and loose human bone in the graveyard, together with a 19th century brick tomb. Parts of a foundation were observed; these were apparently associated with the tower, but contained some elements that were difficult to interpret.

Guildford Castle, Guildford

Ground penetrating radar survey and test pit evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU carried out in advance of remedial works to the 12th century keep. The results of the survey suggested that fragmented wall foundations might lie beneath the top of the motte, and that the keep had been constructed by cutting away the motte. This effectively created a foundation trench at a distance of 2--4m from the keep walls. The test pits confirmed the latter, but did not impact on areas where the foundations were suggested to lie.

Nonsuch High School, Cheam

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU revealed a pit of prehistoric, probably Bronze Age, date likely to have been associated with either food preparation or possibly metal smelting; the frequency of worked flint found in the spoil heaps confirms the potential for further prehistoric finds in the area.


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