Surrey County Archaeological Unit

2-46 West Street, Ewell

Excavation and site watching by R J Poulton and M G O'Connell for SCC and Epsom and Ewell Borough Council in advance of redevelopment. An undated chalk cellar and well were found aligned to West Street but not related to the most recent buildings on site. A substantial amount of RB tile and pottery (especially 2nd century) was found associated with a cobbled surface (?yard). (208; see this volume for report)

Shepperton Ranges

Site watching by R J Poulton and P M G Jones for SCC and Tarmac Roadstone Ltd located some prehistoric features. Two sets of important finds were made during extraction, apparently coming from a buried river channel. They were five complete 3rd/4th century RB pewter plates (fig 1) and three iron swords, one without its hilt, one with a bone handle of uncertain date, and one considered to be of Petersen type L, dated AD 840-90,

Lower Mill Farm, Stanwell

Site watching and rescue excavation by R J Poulton and P M G Jones for SCC and Greenham Construction Materials Ltd revealed some prehistoric features and scattered medieval pottery. In one area three interlinked ring gullies were planned and sampled and several sherds of associated pottery were recovered. This appears to have been a MIA settlement site.

Abbey Meads, Chertsey

Fieldwork by P M G Jones and R J Poulton for SCC and HMBC located and recorded a section through a BA occupation site revealed in gravel working. Finds included pottery, a barbed and tanged arrowhead and a human skull. A ground stone axe was previously discovered by workmen.

Preston Hawe, Banstead

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC and McAlpine Homes South Ltd in advance of development affecting the south-west corner of the enclosure identified by B Hope-Taylor. The ditch on the south side was found to be no more than a gully and no signs of occupation were noted. A number of mostly Mesolithic flints were found, not in contemporary contexts; they included a tranchet axe. (224)

Guildford Castle

Small-scale excavation by R J Poulton for SCC and /Guildford Borough Council in advance of floodlighting by the keep. No features were noted but Medieval pottery was the first to be recovered from the mound.

5-7 Holloway Hill, Godalming

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC (and County Engineer), in conjunction with dismantling of 16th century building for the Weald & Downland Museum, revealed shallow foundations for the timber building with levelling to accommodate the slope of the hill. Only 16th century pottery was found in the floor levels. A layer of 12th century pottery was found at the northern end of the site, apparently relating to occupation on the High Street frontage. (246)

Bear Lane, Farnham

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC, Kent Developments, WAAC and Waverley BC in advance of redevelopment located evidence for the town ditch. It was 8.5m wide and 2.4m deep and the upper levels had been lost by levelling which had also removed any medieval occupation evidence from the site. Dating evidence suggested that the ditch was dug soon after AD 1200 and had already been infilled by the mid 13th century.


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