Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Church Lammas, Staines

Excavation by G N Hayman for SCAU and Greenham Construction Materials Ltd in advance of gravel extraction showed that an earthwork known from aerial photographs was post-medieval but located nearby evidence for an enclosure of EBA date.

St Ann's Hill, Chertsey

Excavation by P M G Jones for SCAU, Runnymede Borough Council and English Heritage to provide information for management of the monument. Mesolithic worked flints including cores were found. The postulated defences were sectioned and the site was confirmed as a univallate hillfort; a full detailed survey was carried out by RCHM(E). In a small trench in the interior 53 prehistoric features were found, mostly of early to middle Iron Age date, with post-holes indicating three or more building phases.

Thorpe Lea Nurseries

Observation and excavation by G N Hayman for SCAU and RMC (Hall Aggregates) indicated prehistoric occupation on the edge of the first area of topsoil stripping. Subsequent excavation produced evidence of BA occupation and then an Iron Age/RB site apparently occupied throughout both periods, with mid to late Iron Age domestic features, RB ditches, pits and possible farm buildings of Flavian to 4th century date.

Reigate Castle

Small-scale excavation by G N Hayman for SCAU and Reigate & Banstead Borough Council to test the outer bank of the wet moat on the north side of the Castle to provide management information. The existing bank was shown to be post-medieval but it encapsulated a counterscarp bank probably of 13th century date.

Ewell By-Pass

Trial excavations and observation by S P Dyer for SCAU and SCC (County Engineer's Department) in advance of road construction located only a few unstratified RB sherds.


Following evaluation two sites were excavated by G N Hayman for SCAU and Trafalgar Brookmount in advance of gravel extraction. A small Iron Age settlement site, represented mostly by large storage pits, was found on the site of the former Hollick Farm. The settlement represented by the farm itself was found to have begun in the early medieval period and continued through to the 19th century. About 750m further south a larger Iron Age site was found with a complex of features from the mid to late Iron Age; they included a large circular ditched enclosure (with a diameter of about 26m).


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