Surrey County Archaeological Unit

site of Oatlands Palace, Weybridge

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC, HBMC and E & D; Simmons. The stables area and the outside of the northern inner courtyard wall (with garderobe pits and chimney breasts) were recorded early in the year. Later on a new building with two polygonal and two rectangular rooms was discovered. It may have been a Henrician period banqueting house. Trial trenching and observation of contractors' work in the kitchen court area was also carried out (pl 1)..

North Park Farm, Bletchingley

Third season of excavation by R J Poulton for SCC and British Industrial Sand. Survey and excavation identified a broad ditch possibly continuing around the medieval and later building complex, where a cellar nearly 2m deep was located. Resistivity survey indicated further archaeological features. The site is suggested as one of two chief messuages in Bletchingley in the late medieval period, but probably having Saxo-Norman origins. (208)

Saxon County School, Shepperton

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC in advance of building work. A flint scatter and a Mesolithic tranchet axe indicated prehistoric activity in the area, and RB pottery and tile suggested a nearby site, whose whereabouts were possibly identified by a resistivity survey. The excavation produced a substantial early Saxon midden deposit, with much bone and pottery, the latter of a number of different types. There were also late Saxon ditches parallel to previous discoveries, and a scatter of medieval pottery. (216)

former Johnson & Clark site, Staines

Excavation and site watching by N Shepherd and P M G Tones for SCC, Crowngap and Royal Insurance in advance of redevelopment. The area proved to have been much disturbed in the post-medieval period, but it was possible to trace RB flood deposits in a former channel at the rear of the site, and some fragments of early RB clay and timber buildings in the centre. Finds from later disturbance indicated the former presence nearby of substantial RB buildings. Traces of a medieval timber structure were also found and the much damaged remains of a medieval stone building on the street frontage.

Courage's Brewery, Staines

Excavation by P M G Jones for SCC and Courage in advance of redevelopment examined medieval river channels and an area adjacent to the Church Street frontage, where some deeper features survived destruction by recent activity. One deep linear feature had a fill of RB building debris, and a levelling layer over it contained early to mid Saxon pottery. A ditch filled in in the 1101/12th century and several 13th-14th century features were also found. (220)


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