CKC Archaeology

Puttenham Common Landscape Survey (vol 2)

Survey undertaken under the direction of C Currie of CKCA, as part of the Community Archaeology Project, for SCC and SyAS, to assess whether the study area should be designated as an ASHLV. Both documentary research and fieldwork added greatly to existing knowledge and confirmed the reports of later 19th century antiquarians who had identified extensive prehistoric and Roman activity in the area.

Graving Dock, Dapdune Wharf, Guildford

Evaluation by C Currie for the National Trust, in advance of works to widen the dock, indicated that the wharf has been extended on more than one occasion. A watching brief was therefore maintained on the works. A timber structure supported on large beams was identified and presumed to be used for pulling barges out of the river for repair and for lowering them back. This structure was covered by 19th century dumps of material, into which was cut a brick hearth, presumably used to boil tar etc for barge repairs. The hearth had largely been destroyed when the bank of the present dock was cut.

Weyside Square, Guildford

Evaluation by C Currie on behalf of Sunley Turriff and Stephen Limbrick Associates, of an area thought likely to contain the boundary wall of the Dominican Friary. Much of the area was found to have been disturbed by the construction of terraced houses, probably at the beginning of the 20th century, and recent dumping activities. No features or finds of archaeological interest were recovered. (302)

Godalming Wharf

A watching brief by C Currie on the excavation of a drainage trench, for the National Trust (Southern Region), revealed the wharf to have been constructed with compacted chalk. The area of the wharf where this trench was located had clearly been used for open storage of coal and other items.

Town Lock, Weybridge

A watching brief was carried out by C Currie for the National Trust on repair works to this lock, also on the Wey Navigation. The drain down sluices at the eastern end of the lock were recorded. As with Coxes Lock, original 18th century fabric appeared to survive in the lower parts - in this case immediately around the lower gates.

Coxes Lock, Addlestone

A watching brief was carried out by C Currie, for the National Trust, on repair works to this lock on the Wey Navigation. The drain down sluices at the southern end of the lock were recorded. The upper brickwork of the lock appears relatively modern, but the lower parts, particularly below the lower gates, are probably original. A date stone inscribed ‘1770’ appears to be in situ.

Polesden Lacey and Ranmore Common Estates

Historic landscape survey by C Currie of these estates, for the National Trust. Early references mention a number of ‘hatches’ or gates, where tracks left the farmland to enter the common. These ‘hatches’ are likely to be Saxon, if not earlier, and adjoining them are equally ancient farm sites, all but one of which still survive. The Polesden family and estate are first mentioned in documents of the late 12th century. The suffix ‘Lacey’ is first mentioned in 1562, but it did not become commonly used until the 18th or even 19th centuries; previously the estate was known as High Polesden.

Dapdune Wharf, Guildford

A watching brief was maintained by C Currie on further works at this wharf on the Wey Navigation, for the National Trust. This confirmed the findings of the evaluation carried out in 1995; earlier, but undated, phases of wharf construction are sealed below 19th and 20th century levels.


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