Mole Valley

Gadbrook Chapel, Brockham

Excavation by E Sayer of PCA, undertaken in conjunction with Bournemouth University and INFORCE (International Forensic Centre of Excellence for the Investigation of Genocide) to provide training for students undertaking forensic archaeology courses. The excavation consisted of the clearance of all burials in the cemetery of the chapel, and a total of 36 burials, all dating to the 19th century, were uncovered, recorded and removed. Soil conditions meant that bone survival was poor, though by piecing together broken gravestones from around

537 Norbury Park, Mickleham

Excavation carried out in late 2003 by D Williams of SCC on and around the findspot of three bronze objects of mid–Late Bronze Age date found during metal detecting. The excavation involved one trench located on the findspot and a number of test pits which revealed that the hoard appears to have lain beneath a small cairn of tightly packed flint nodules. The cairn may have been created on the edge of a lynchet, suggesting a similar date for this feature. (378)

Bocketts Farm, Fetcham

Metal detector survey under the direction of D Williams of SCC recovered only three objects pre-dating the 17th century. These were a buckle plate of medieval or Tudor date, a brooch dating to the 1st century AD, and an Early Iron Age, c 600–450BC, bow brooch.

Capel to Horsham

Magnetic susceptibility, detailed magnetometry, and resistivity survey by D Sabin of Stratascan and a programme of fieldwalking by N Hall of ASE along sections of the proposed route of the A24 between Capel and Horsham. Within the Surrey section of the route, a number of anomalies and flint scatters were located. A watching brief carried out by K Sayer of PCA during the excavation of geotechnical trial pits along the proposed route revealed three possible features, one of which contained a fragment of burnt flint and a sherd of medieval pottery.

Reigate Road Quarry (Franks’ Sandpit), Betchworth

A field survey, watching brief and excavation by J Perry of SutAS was undertaken in advance of sand extraction and close to a prehistoric and Roman site previously excavated by D Williams. The field survey and watching brief revealed quantities of Neolithic and Bronze Age struck flint, burnt flint and some Mesolithic struck flint. A small quantity of Bronze Age, Roman and medieval pottery was also recovered. These finds were spread over the whole field though there was a concentration of finds, particularly Bronze Age, at the highest point.

Ten Acre Field, Yew Tree Road, Dorking

Monitoring by G Rapson of SyAS of pipeline works in and around Dorking revealed a number of finds and features, but most significantly, a cemetery containing fourteen skeletons at Ten Acre Field. The skeletons are of probable Saxon date, and three circular crop marks reported to exist at the other end of the field point to the presence of further, potentially older, activity on this hill top.

Hawks Hill House, Guildford Road, Leatherhead

Evaluation by J Stevenson of ASE in advance of residential redevelopment involved the excavation of eight trenches. One revealed an undated tree bole; a second, two pits/postholes and a gully all of probable prehistoric date, and a grave of probable Anglo-Saxon date excavated in the 19th or early 20th century; a third, four small pits, three of prehistoric date, and one of Early/mid-Iron Age date, and two very large pits of later Iron Age date thought to be used for grain storage.


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