
Sutton Place, Guildford

Excavation and watching brief undertaken by R Brown of OA in advance of the creation of a swimming pool and related amenities revealed mostly modern deposits, but a rectilinear arrangement of postholes may represent the remains of a simple timber building of possible 16th–17th century date. This may have been a temporary storage or lodging structure associated with the construction of the manor-house or the domestic functions of the west wing. A Kelly of OA also undertook some historic building recording work before and during alterations to Sutton Place

Newark Priory, Ripley

Geophysical survey by J English of SyAS, involving a magnetometry scan of the inner precinct area, did not provide any evidence for buried structures, although a number of anomalies that may represent kilns were recorded. An historic building recording survey of the gatehouse was also carried out, and a watching brief was undertaken during remedial works, with soil displaced by animal burrowing dry-sieved for material before the burrows were infilled. A small amount of predominantly Iron Age and medieval pottery was recovered. (419

Land at Epsom Road, Merrow

Evaluation by R Entwistle and P Jones of SCAU prior to the creation of a golf course. The area of holes 10--18 was examined. The larger part of the evaluation area of hole 10 was negative, although a small number of features apparently of Iron Age to Early Roman date were revealed. Holes 11--18 were examined in 2007, but unreported at the time. A small number of prehistoric features were revealed. Additional trial trenching by N Shaikhley was carried out in the vicinity of the suspected flint mines revealed during the evaluation of 2007.

Land at Epsom Road, Merrow

Evaluation by R Entwistle and P Jones of SCAU prior to the creation of a golf course. The area of holes 10–18 was examined. The larger part of the evaluation area of hole 10 was negative, although a small number of features apparently of Iron Age to Early Roman date were revealed. Holes 11–18 were examined in 2007, but unreported at the time. A small number of prehistoric features were revealed. Additional trial trenching by N Shaikhley was carried out in the vicinity of the suspected flint mines revealed during the evaluation of 2007.

Land at Epsom Road, Merrow

Soil-stripping, mapping and sampling by J Robertson and N Randall of SCAU, during the creation of a park and ride facility, following evaluation in 2007. A comparatively large number of Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age features were revealed, including pits, ditches and stakeholes. Evidence of activity from the Neolithic to Early Iron Age was evident in the finds assemblage.

Colekitchen Farm, Gomshall

Evaluation by G Kinsley of SLR revealed the remains of an 18th century barn, but no evidence for earlier occupation or activity. A palaeoenvironmental assessment by M Allen of Allen Environmental Archaeology was carried out during the evaluation to examine colluvial deposits. Tentative evidence for human activity was noted within a sequence that contained buried soil horizons and was suggestive of changing land use.


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