
Merrist Wood, Guildford

Evaluation by A Chadwick of AOC, for Merrist Wood College, in advance of the construction of a golf course revealed no features or finds of archaeological interest, except for remains associated with Cobbett’s Hill Farm. The bulk of the finds from the site of the farm suggest post-medieval occupation, possibly as early as the 16th century in origin. (302)

Henley Park, Normandy

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, for Hencan Ltd, on an area west of the main 17th century house revealed no features or finds of archaeological interest. Although the site was found to have been much disturbed, this was not sufficient to have removed all traces of the buildings and features associated with the medieval manor house known to have existed at Henley. This may indicate that the present Henley Park is not located on the former manor house site.

28A Castle Street, Guildford

A watching brief was maintained by R Poulton of SCAU, on behalf of Holmshaw Property Company Ltd, during the course of clearance and construction on the site. Only two relatively undisturbed areas were exposed. No features were revealed; finds from the site included 17th century and later brick, pottery and a clay pipe, but nothing obviously earlier. (321)

50-51 North Street, Guildford

A watching brief was maintained by R Poulton of SCAU on works to these buildings, for Gorsewood Securities Ltd. Despite little previous disturbance of the site, no features or finds of archaeological interest were noted. This is presumed to be because until the town ditch was infilled in the late 16th/early 17th century, this area would have formed the very rear of a plot fronting the High Street and was presumably, therefore, little used. (321)

Army & Navy Store, Guildford

A watching brief was carried out by J Robertson and G Pattison of SCAU on extensions to the store, which lies within the historic centre of Guildford, for the House of Fraser. Extensive modern disturbance was revealed, but some archaeological levels survived. Three pits were recorded, which contained 13th century and later medieval material, suggesting this area had formed part of the backlands of properties fronting the High Street. (314)

80-82 High Street, Guildford

Excavation and a subsequent watching brief were carried out by R Poulton of SCAU, for Characin Developments, on this redevelopment site within the historic centre of Guildford. This revealed evidence for backlands activity, especially of 12th to 14th century date and also of 18th century date. The virtual absence of material between the 14th and 17th centuries suggests the plot was being used for non-domestic purposes - one suggestion is that it was the yard for an Inn. (314)


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