
White Lane, Guildford

Hedgerow dating by H Davies of SyAS suggests that the hedgerow on the north side of the lane dates to the 12th century. The hedgerow to the south is likely to be of a similar age, but has been affected by modern development. (316)

Dapdune Wharf, Guildford

A watching brief was maintained by C Currie on further works at this wharf on the Wey Navigation, for the National Trust. This confirmed the findings of the evaluation carried out in 1995; earlier, but undated, phases of wharf construction are sealed below 19th and 20th century levels.

Whitmoor Common

Soil sampling of two boundary banks by K Sargent, to try to establish whether podsolization of the soil had commenced before the banks were constructed, produced inconclusive results. One bank was found to consist of windblown sand, which had presumably built up against some kind of obstacle, and is not therefore a genuine boundary bank. Related work carried out in 1995 by I Ellis had indicated a change in vegetation from deciduous woodland to heath via arable cultivation, with a Tilia decline clear within the soil buried beneath one bank, suggesting it could be Bronze Age in date.

Northmead School, Stoughton, Guildford

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, for L T Deeprose Ltd, on the site of a new classroom block, revealed a ditch of Roman date. The ditch identified may represent a boundary to settlement that lay on the gravels to the north west, under the existing school buildings - the rest of the site is on clay. The finds indicate late 1st century or early 2nd century AD occupation. A subsequent watching brief revealed no further features or finds. (321)

St Mary’s RC School, Barnwood Road, Guildford

Evaluation of the site, as part of an application for redevelopment, was carried out by J Robertson of SCAU, for the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton. The area was found to have been extensively levelled during the construction of the school; no features were found sealed below the dumped material, but it contained a number of finds including struck and burnt flint as well as medieval and post-medieval material. Despite the proximity of the Broad Street villa, no finds of Roman date were recovered. (321)

Land adjoining Barnwood School, Guildford

A watching brief was maintained by R Poulton of SCAU, for SCC’s Resources Dept, on drainage trenches excavated as part of the laying out of new pitches - in an area evaluated by SCAU in 1994 and confirmed to contain remains of Romano-British date. A wide scatter of Roman pottery and tile was noted, as well as stone rubble. Observation of works to the stream that forms the boundary with Broad Street Common revealed no evidence for archaeological deposits, suggesting that it may well have been in existence when the site was occupied in the Roman period.


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