Land at Blackwell Farm, Hog’s Back, Guildford

Evaluation by H Nicholls of ASE revealed 88 archaeological features, comprising ditches, gullies, pits and postholes dating from the Roman and medieval periods. Three possible Roman phases of activity were identified. The earliest of these was indicated by a large sub-rectangular enclosure (Enclosure 1) in the very north of the site, of Late Iron Age/early Roman date, together with a possible curvilinear gully. Other linear features within the wider site may be related to this phase of activity, suggesting a possible system of enclosures continuing to the west of, and on the same alignment as, Enclosure 1. The second phase of Roman activity comprised two possible small rectangular enclosures in the centre of the site (Enclosures 2 and 3) and a large chalk rubble-filled pit central to Enclosure 2, all of 1st–2nd century AD date. A large quantity of Roman ceramic building material (CBM) was recovered across contexts within this phase. This material comprised well-preserved tegulae fragments, but also one nearly intact imbrex and a single abraded piece of combed flue tile. Collectively, these fragments may indicate the presence of a roofed structure with a heating system in the vicinity. A large quantity of slag, two pieces of hearth lining and an oval forge bottom were recovered from Enclosure 3, clearly indicating smithing nearby. The third phase of activity was represented by three ditches in the centre of the site, all of which contained pottery of Late Roman date. A large rectangular enclosure (Enclosure 4), also in the centre of the site, may represent the last dated phase of archaeological activity. Pottery of 13th–14th century date and CBM of medieval or post-medieval date was recovered from the enclosure. Further finds of this date were found in a ditch, suggesting a possible system of enclosures continuing to the west of, and on the same alignment as, Enclosure 4. However, Roman pottery was also recovered from contexts within Enclosure 4 and it was uncertain whether the medieval or the Roman material was in situ.