Eastwick Park Dairy, 1 Eastwick Drive, Great Bookham

Historic building recording by J Bell of the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum of the former dairy to Eastwick Park prior to dismantling and its re-erection at the Museum. The building was constructed in 1806 and consisted of two separate, octagonal brick-built buildings, one slightly larger than the other – the larger building being the dairy and the smaller a scalding house – connected by an open covered walkway. Following the dismantling, a deposit of bones was revealed during an exploratory excavation beneath the flagstone floor of the dairy. This was prompted by discovery of an inscribed symbol – a single W or double V – on the underside of one of the flags. A single test trench was subsequently excavated by N Randall of SCAU across a sample of the deposit, with the bones investigated and removed within this area revealed to be a mix of disarticulated horse and cow.