Church Lammas, north-west Staines

A watching brief on mineral extraction works was carried out by SCAU for Greenhams Ltd. In late 1994, flint blades of unusual length began to be found by the site observer, N Marples. The growing collection of tools and debitage recovered was clearly Upper Palaeolithic and was in association with animal bones. English Heritage therefore funded excavation by P Jones of SCAU. Ditches of two successive field systems and the southern arm of an early post-medieval rectilinear stock enclosure were revealed. The concentration of Upper Palaeolithic material previously disturbed proved to be the only such concentration present. A few Upper Palaeolithic-type flints and animal bone fragments were discovered to the north-west of the main concentration, in association with a hollow which probably represents the remains of a watercourse; its fill was sampled for environmental evidence. Altogether 326 struck flints were recovered; at least 24 of the flakes, more than ten of the blades, and a few fragments of bone are burnt, which may indicate that, as well as being a flint-knapping and animal dismemberment site, a fire was set for the further preparation of food. (296)