Christ’s College School, Larch Avenue, Guildford

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU prior to the construction of a series of new school buildings revealed a number of features, including a concentrated in-situ scatter of Bronze Age pottery and struck and burnt flint of considerable interest. The wider area of the site revealed further Bronze Age features such as ditches and a number of undated features of a possibly similar date. Roman activity was also recorded in the form of ditches and pits, although the concentration of features was not dense, suggesting outlying activity related to an as yet unspecified site elsewhere in the vicinity. Subsequent excavation revealed evidence for a field system or enclosure of probable Bronze Age date, with significant evidence for a settlement of the later Bronze Age also recorded. Two pits from the Middle Bronze Age attest to earlier occupation on the site as well. Roman activity dated to the 3rd century in the form of a series of ditches was also revealed, some of which were superimposed and/or re-cut and indicative of sustained Roman activity during this period. Postholes and pits of a Roman date were suggestive of more than simple agricultural land management in the area, while a large waterhole produced a substantial pottery assemblage and enough building material to indicate that a building of some significance had formerly existed nearby and had been demolished. (413)