Guildford Museum Excavation Unit

Manfield School, Ash

A watching brief by the GMVEU on the redevelopment of the school site revealed a considerable quantity of mainly early 17th century Border Ware, including wasters and kiln furniture. Small quantities of medieval whiteware and late 17th/18th century Red Border Ware were also recovered. A kiln site clearly lies in the vicinity. (307)

Guildford town centre

Reports received from Guildford Museum of fieldwork undertaken by the GMEU in previous years: 8 High Street, Guildford A watching brief during alterations led to recording of 18th century building foundations; a sherd of 12th or 13th century pottery was recovered during piling. 44 High Street, Guildford A watching brief undertaking recorded elements of the 17th century timber frame exposed during alterations to the building; these features were subsequently recorded by members of the DBRG. 46 High Street, Guildford


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