Cotswold Archaeology

Trumps Farm, Chertsey

In February 2017 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological watching brief for CgMs on behalf of Crest and Aviva Investors at Trumps Farm, Chertsey, Surrey (centred on NGR: SU 9876 6537; Fig. 1). The watching brief was undertaken to fulfil a condition attached to a planning consent for the development of a small car park adjacent to Kitsmead Lane (Planning ref: RU.13/0857). No features or deposits of archaeological interest were observed during groundworks and, despite visual scanning of spoil, no artefactual material pre-dating the modern period was recovered.

Princess Royal Barracks, Deepcut

Watching brief by S Wilson of COT during geotechnical test pitting associated with the proposed redevelopment of Princess Royal Barracks. No archaeological features were identified within the test pits although they did reveal information about the character of the made-ground across the site, particularly in the south in the area once occupied by the military railway.

Windrush House, Windrush Close, Bramley

Evaluation by S Reynish of COT revealed a number of ditches and a possible pit or tree-throw hollow. The larger ditches were aligned parallel to existing field boundaries, which could suggest these are former field boundaries, with the smaller ditches as internal drainage gullies or enclosures. For the most part these features remained undated, and the only find recovered – a Late Iron Age or Romano-British loomweight fragment – was considered to be residual.

Majestic House, Staines-upon-Thames

Evaluation and excavation by C Ellis of COT followed initial evaluation of the site by AOC in 2006 (SyAC 94, 368). The work revealed that large parts of the site had been subject to extensive modern disturbance but excavation in two areas revealed evidence of activity from the Mesolithic, Neolithic/Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman, medieval and post-medieval periods. The Mesolithic was represented by residual worked flint artefacts from later features.

South Holmwood Brickworks, Newdigate Road, Newdigate

Strip, map and sample by J Wright of COT revealed two pits and two linear features, and recovered a small quantity of probable Mesolithic flint from the top of the natural substrate. One of the pits was similar to examples investigated in an adjoining area in 2011 thought likely to be tree-throw hollows resulting from tree clearance in the Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age. The second pit is also likely to be the remains of a tree-throw hollow but probably of recent origin.


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