
Short talks given to Society groups (more user friendly than the term 'Lecture')

The 1918 Flu Pandemic


The 1918 flu pandemic was a lethal outbreak of influenza which infected 500 million people around the world, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population) making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history. It killed the young and not the old, and was spread around the world by troops returning home after the First World War.

On The Ocean


Professor Sir Barry Cunliffe will be speaking about his book On The Ocean: The Mediterranean and the Atlantic from Prehistory to AD 1500. This event will take place in Senate House, London and is free to all with no need to book. There will be a wine reception after the talk.

Holy Trinity Steps: A Silent Witness to Guildford's Past


The noted Guildford historian David Rose, will give an illustrated talk on Guildford's history, telling the story from the perspective of the steps fronting the church from Guildford’s High Street. David will talk about the many events and historical moments that these steps have witnessed, and in many cases, their role in that history.

Trowels at Dawn


Trowels at Dawn: protecting the past in post-war London.

Peter Marsden and Max Hebditch discuss excavation work in post war London including the discovery of the Billingsgate Roman House.

Tickets: £8 (£6 concession; £5 students) plus booking fee.

Book online at: 

or call: 020 7638 8891


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