
Witley Common

Examination by J English of SyAS of areas stripped for ecological reasons, adjacent to the Bronze Age barrows, revealed little of archaeological interest. In the vicinity the remains of another possible barrow were identified and recorded.

Hydon Ball Reservoir

A watching brief was maintained by M Dover of SCAU, for Thames Water Utilities, on the construction of a replacement pipeline to the reservoir, where work was not along an existing road. The route passed close to the church at Hambledon, and pieces of medieval and post-medieval tile, and some post-medieval pottery were recovered from this section, although no features were noted. The section through the field boundary south of the track to Upper Vann Lane suggested that a ditch had preceded the current boundary bank, but no dating evidence was recovered.

Park Copse, Hindhead

A watching brief was undertaken by K Watson of Wessex, for Southern Electric, during the replacement of the Hindhead Substation overhead cable support poles. No features or deposits of archaeological significance were observed.

The White Horse Hotel, Haslemere

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, on behalf of the Strathmoor Group, of a site proposed for residential development. Three trial trenches were excavated and only one feature, which contained 19th/20th century material, was revealed. This shallow ditch is likely to represent a late field boundary, rather than the edge of the town plots. (321)

Runfold Farm

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU of the first phase of this mineral site, for Pioneer Concrete Holdings PLC, revealed numerous archaeological features. The majority of these dated to the Iron Age; the presence of a number of ring gullies suggests that this was a settlement site, similar to those found nearby at Tongham Nurseries, excavated in 1993. This evaluation also revealed some Early Roman material.

Princess Royal Sandpit, Runfold

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for BFI Ltd, of two areas permitted for mineral extraction, produced little of archaeological interest except for an area centred at SU 861 473. Here no features were revealed, but numerous finds of both prehistoric and Roman date were recovered. Analysis of the soils from which these finds were recovered indicates that they are essentially hillwash. This suggests occupation nearby, on higher ground, in both the prehistoric and Roman periods. Unfortunately, the area of higher ground adjacent has previously been quarried.


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