
Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing excavation by G Hayman of SCAU revealed further features of Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman date, as well as some of early medieval origin. Most features dated to the Bronze Age, and included ditches, waterholes, and numerous small pits and postholes. An area of concentration of pits and postholes is likely to have once been a Middle Bronze Age settlement, although no dwellings were recognised, and only one four-posted structure was identified.

Land adjacent to The Rectory, Church Square, Shepperton

Evaluation by J Butler of PCA in advance of the construction of a new parsonage discovered a well dated to between AD 1700 and 1800, and a further well or soakaway in the grounds of the St Nicholas Church Centre. No other finds or features were revealed, possibly due to the removal of archaeological horizons during the erection of a (now demolished) structure on the site in the early 19th century, and additional landscaping of the church and rectory grounds.

Shepperton Studios, Shepperton

Evaluation by H Clough of PCA in advance of the construction of a workshop extension revealed two ditches of probable Bronze Age origin, a palaeochannel which may be prehistoric, medieval agricultural features, a late 18th or early 19th century wall, and residual burnt and worked flint, abraded Roman pottery and a piece of unabraded Saxo-Norman pottery. Subsequent monitoring of two geotechnical test pits within the proposed footprint of the workshop revealed only modern deposits.

Ashford Hospital, Long Lane, Ashford

Watching brief by R Cowie of MoLAS following evaluation and excavation of part of the site last year. The excavation had been located in the area where the evaluation had revealed that features were concentrated. The work identified at least three pits of possible Neolithic date, three Bronze Age ditches representing part of a co-axial field system including the corner of an enclosure, two water-holes likely to be contemporaneous with the enclosure, and a Roman pit.

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing excavation by G Hayman of SCAU south of those areas excavated in previous years revealed further features of Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman date. The Bronze Age features consisted mostly of ditches belonging to a co-axial field system that developed during the Late Bronze Age, but also included one large pit and a small pit or posthole. The field system has been traced across all areas of the quarry that have been examined since work began in 1999 and extends for an unknown distance beyond it.


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