Reigate & Banstead

The Parish School Site, London Road, Reigate

Evaluation and watching brief by the South-East London Archaeological Unit of the former school site, for Rydon Construction Ltd. The site lies just outside the area of the medieval town of Reigate and adjacent to Reigate Castle. Two small gullies of 13th to 14th century date and a pit of similar date were recorded. The medieval features are suggested to relate to expansion of the town westward in the 13th and 14th centuries. The site was used subsequently as farmland. (305)

19-21 West Street, Reigate

Evaluation by S Dyer of SCAU for Roberts & Baker Architects, of land to the rear of nos 19-21 proposed for redevelopment, found that the area had been disturbed in modern times; the only archaeological feature recorded was the foundations of a 19th century outbuilding. (289)

15-17 West Street, Reigate

Evaluation by S Dyer of SCAU for Owens Galliver Architects, of an area proposed for redevelopment, revealed a ditch containing 15th century pottery running at right angles to the street frontage. It seems likely that this represents the division between two formally laid out burgage plots, which were not actually built on until much later. A subsequent watching brief recorded more of the ditch but no further evidence for its date or purpose was found. (289)

Redhill General Hospital

Evaluation by Sutton Archaeological Services for Linden Homes South-East Ltd of the hospital site, formerly the site of an 18th and 19th century Poor House, found that much of the site had been extensively disturbed. The only archaeological features observed were a series of 18th century field drains.

2 Pendleton Road, Redhill

Limited excavation by D W Williams within this standing building recorded features uncovered during building works. The remains were interpreted as part of the front wall and doorway of an earlier building with an external cobbled surface, from which a number of finds, no earlier than mid-17th century in date, were recovered. (289)

Reigate Heath

Report by C Mann on the remains of over twenty open wells and some sub-surface concrete tanks, associated with the borough’s first public water supply - provided in 1859 by the Reigate Water Works Company. Water was pumped from the works to a reservoir in Reigate Park. The company was bought by the East Surrey Water Company in 1895, who continued to use the works until about 1930. The pump station was demolished in 1950. (SIHG 86)


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