Zoom talk on a site at Lightwater by Professor Martin Millett

Tuesday, 10 January, 2023 - 19:30

A site at Lightwater was dug by Geoff Cole for Surrey Heath Archaeology and Heritage Trust back in the 1980s. It was found to be an IA/RB site with good evidence for ironworking, still regarded as of more of local importance. Professor Martin Millett, whose (then) Durham students were involved, has now agreed to take on publication and analysis of the iron slag is being undertaken by Historic England.

Little is publically known about these excavations and this will be a chance to learn more about an important ironworking site in the county.

Martin Millett is a renowned archaeologist who has had many associations with SyAS. He talked at several SyAS conferences including RSG’s 2014 conference on ‘How Roman was Roman Britain? and has written ‘The dating of Farnham (Alice Holt) pottery. Many of us have read his books ‘The Romanization of Britain’ and ‘Roman Britain’.

This meeting will take place by Zoom and RSG members will receive the link a week in advance. If you are a member of Surrey Archaeological Society but not yet a member of RSG you can join for £5, giving you free access to the Winter Series of talks as well as visits and seminars. See RSG web page for details. 

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