Wyphurst Road, Cranleigh

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU prior to an application for residential development. A large number of features were revealed, including ditches, gullies, postholes, pits, wall foundations and robber trenches, most appearing to date from the late 1st/early 2nd century Romano-British period. Some Iron Age artefacts and features were also identified, suggesting that the settlement had earlier origins. It is unclear as to the exact nature of the site, although the evidence to date is consistent with the activities involved in the construction and operation of a small farmstead. The hypothesis that this represents a higher status villa complex cannot be ruled out at this time however. A second evaluation of adjoining areas to the north and east of the main site, indicated that Roman and prehistoric field systems continued to the east. To the north, further Iron Age features suggestive of settlement were found in the form of gullies, and additional Roman remains continued to suggest that the site may contain a villa, or at least a number of stone buildings. A third phase of evaluation, conducted to the north-east of the main focus of settlement as identified thus far, proved to be negative and would appear to indicate that the settlement limits have been reached in at least one direction. (SyAC 94, 251-292)
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