Surrey County Ceramic Type Series: the way forward

Wednesday, 3 October, 2018 - 10:00 to 16:30

A day conference will be held on 3rd October 2018 with a view to establishing a way forward, prioritise tasks, consider funding avenues and explore different formats for developing and publishing a comprehensive pottery type series for Surrey. Speakers will provide a range of national and local perspectives during the morning, with the afternoon given over to practical sessions and constructive discussion. If you are interested in more details, would like to express an interest in attending or would like to propose a paper then please contact Kayt Hawkins at


(Coffee/Tea available form 9.45)

10.00 Welcome – Tony Howe

10.10 Duncan Brown (HE) National Initiatives for Pottery Type Series and Related Issues

10.40 Kayt Hawkins (SCAU) The Great Pottery Throw Down: A pottery type series for Surrey

11.00 Jane Timby (University of Reading) The Gloucester City fabric type series 45 years on

11.20 Questions

11.30 Break

11.50 Louise Rayner (ASE) Building on good foundations - using the MoL type series to study assemblages from Roman Surrey and beyond.

12.20 Lyn Spencer (Surrey Archaeological Society) Developing a medieval pottery guide for Surrey

12.40 Questions/Comments

12.50 Lunch (not provided)

1.45 Practical session 1

2.30 Break

3.00 Practical session 2

3.45 Summing up

4.00 Close of day

Postal Address: 
Surrey History Centre
130 Goldsworth Road
GU21 6ND