CBA South East, in conjunction with Surrey Archaeological Society, will be holding its annual conference in Chertsey this year. The programme is being developed to bring the topics discussed at SHERF 2017 into the broader regional and national context.
urrey Aological Society |
CBA South-East 2018 AGM and Annual Conference:
Structured Deposits: definitions, developments and debates
Chertsey Hall, Surrey: Saturday 10th November 2018
Since its origins some thirty odd years ago, our understanding of the concept of ‘structured deposition’ has developed substantially – debates surround not only terminology and definitions, but applications in its use, resulting in a perceived tendency for over-utilization and ‘ritual’ interpretations in analysis. With recognition of such deposits ever-growing through the work of commercial units and the PAS, the contributions of critical and systematic academic attention are increasingly apparent. This day conference brings together research from the prehistoric to the medieval period, revealing new discoveries being made in southern England – and beyond – and the fascinating insights emerging from projects focussed on the processes of deposition.
9.15 Arrival, registration and coffee
10.oo CBA SE Vice-Chair, Anne Sassin: Welcome and introduction
10.10 Jon Cotton (SyAS): The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic
10.40 Catriona Gibson (University of Reading): Graves as Structured Deposits? Revisiting Early Bronze Age Burial Practices in Southern Britain
11.10 Questions
11.20 Coffee
11.40 Rachel Wilkinson (British Museum): Hiding in Plain Sight? Iron Age hoards in the South East
12.10 Alex Davies (Oxford Archaeology): Unusual Deposition on Bronze Age and Iron Age Settlements and Hillforts in the Thames Valley
12.40 Questions
12.50 Lunch
13.30 CBA South East AGM
14.00 Michael Fulford (University of Reading): Ritual Behaviour in Roman Britain
14.30 Sam Moorhead (British Museum): The Frome Hoard and other Coin Finds - Money for the Gods?
15.00 Questions
15.10 Coffee and Posters
15.40 Clifford Sofield (University of Oxford): Abandoned buildings, doorways, and boundaries: Anglo-Saxon placed deposits in context
16.10 Eleanor Standley (University of Oxford): Hoards and Emotions in Later Medieval England
16.40 Questions
17.00 Close
£20.00 for CBA South-East and SyAS members (and students); £25.00 for non-members
For further details (including on student bursaries) and booking information, please visit our website at
or email the organiser, Anne Sassin,
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