New Items
August 2015
(Classification in Bold at the end)
The archaeology of cremation: burned human remains in funerary studies, editedby Tim Thompson, Studies in Funerary Archaeology volume 8, Oxbow, 2015 E7
The Spitalfields suburb 1539-c 1880: excavations at Spitalfields Market, London E1, 1991-2007, by Chiz Harward et al, MOLA Monograph 61, Museum of London Archaeology, 2015 F34
The upper Walbrook valley cemetery of Roman London: excavations at Finsbury Circus, City of London, 1987-2007, by Chiz Harward et al, MOLA Monograph 69, Museum of London Archaeology, 2015 F34
A catalogue and study of Roman brooches from sites in London, held in the Museum of London collections, by Frank Pemberton,2014 K3
Seventeenth century trading tokens of Surrey and Southwark,by Tim Everson,Galata, 2015 N5
The Home Front in Britain 1814-18: an archaeological handbook, editedby Catrina Appleby et al, CBA Practical Handbook No 22, Council for British Archaeology, 2015 MB95
Centenary Re-enactment of Caterham’s famous Recruitment March which took place on 14th April 1915; 12th April 2015, by The Bourne Society,2015 P31 CAT
Dissenting congregations in Walton and Weybridge, by John D. Smith, Walton and Weybridge Local History Society Monograph No. 72, Walton and Weybridge Local History Society, 2015 P31 WAL.T
The Heath Church, Reigate: a short history, by Mary Lambell,2014 P31 REI
Old Woking – a history through documents, by Woking History Society,2014 P31 WOK
The diaries of James Simmons paper maker of Haslemere 1831-1868,extracts selected, introduced and annotated by Alan Crocker and martin Kane,Surrey Industrial History Group, 2nd edition 2015 ZB
Grey Literature
Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Chapel Cottage, Abinger, Surrey, England, by Dr. Andy Moir, Tree-Ring Services Report: RHCC/27/12, 2012 F31AB
Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Chaldon Court, Church Lane, Chaldon, Caterham, Surrey, England, by Dr. Andy Moir, Tree-Ring Services Report: CRCC/07/13, 2013 F31CHD
An assessment of the route of the Roman road Stane Street in the Dorking area, by Frank Pemberton,2014 F31 DOR
Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Hazelhurst, Haslemere, Surrey, England, by Dr. Andy Moir, Tree-Ring Services Report: GUHZ/17/12, 2012 F31HSL
A report on the excavations of Stane Street, Roman road at North Holmwood, Surrey, by Vivien Ettlingerwith Frank Pemberton,2015 F31 HLM
Dendrochronological analysis of oak timbers from Old Cottage, Old Woking, Surrey, England, by Dr. Andy Moir, Tree-Ring Services Report: OWOC/11/09, 2009 F31WOK
Antiquity,volume 89 number 346, August 2015
Ashtead Common Newsletter, issue 41, August 2015
British Archaeology, number 144, September/October 2015
Cambridge Archaeological Journal, volume 25 number 3, August 2015
Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust Newsletter, issue 39, August 2015
Coulsdon Commons Newsletter, issue 41, August 2015
Current Archaeology, issue 306, September 2015
Dial Stone: the news sheet of Walton and Weybridge Local History Society,number 229, July 2015
Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Newsletter, number 94, summer 2015
Egham-by-Runnymede Historical Society Newsletter, number 511, July/August 2015
Industrial Archaeology News, number 174, autumn 2015
Kent Archaeological Review, number 198, autumn 2015
Kingston Museum What’s On & News, issue 82, autumn 2015
The Local Historian, volume 45 number 3, July 2015
Local History News, number 116, summer 2015
Oxford Journal of Archaeology, volume 34 number 3 August 2015
Rural History Today, issue 29, August 2015
Southwark & Lambeth Archaeological Society Newsletter, number 140, August 2015
Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History Newsletter, number 81, autumn 2015
Surrey Archaeological Society Bulletin, number 452, August 2015
Surrey Industrial History Group Newsletter, number 206 July 2015
West Surrey Family History Society Root and Branch, volume 42 number 2, September 2015
West Wickham Commons Newsletter, issue 41, August 2015
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